Concluding conference Reggio Calabria

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

You can download the programme here.

Concluding conference Berlin

Strengthening civil society

Models for the democratic re-use of buildings of criminal groups

Working conference 10 & 11 November 2016

You can download the programme here

Biographical information on all speakers can be downloaded here.

Turn mafia-dens into democratic community centres! – Through the EU-project Creating Public Spaces German and Italian organisations worked on models of how to strengthen local democratic culture through the re-use of assets confiscated from criminal groups. As an instrument of repression and prevention of crime this approach has been successfully used in Italy against mafias. In which way could the confiscation and re-use by civil society be helpful also in Germany to counter groups of the extreme right and other criminal organisations? During a two-day conference this will be debated by members of civil society, by lawyers, politicians and academics of different disciplines – always with the aim of developing concrete proposals.

Directed by: * Benno Plassmann, Echolot – Projekte für demokratische Kultur, gegen Mafien e.V.  * Dr. Tobias Scholz, Amadeu Antonio Stiftung